TGIF is hosted by Ginger at Greads! This week's discussion is about
Supporting Characters
We tend to gush over those main characters the most, but what about those supporting roles? Who are some of your favourites?
My two picks are probably going to be the most common answers, but that's what makes them so great! First, Isaac from The Fault In Our Stars. Isaac made me cry just as much as Hazel + Augustus did, with his own unique brand of humor and tragedy all rolled into one. His eulogy had me sobbing. Second favourite would have to be Simon from The Mortal Instruments series. I know he's gotten a larger and larger role as the series goes on, but from page one he's been that adorable best friend/maybe-there's-more we all want around. He's so steadfast and true to Clary, Jace, Alec, everyone. I want a Simon in my life.

Honorable mentions: Iko from Cinder, Roar from Under the Never Sky (I WANT TO MARRY HIM), Kent from Before I Fall, all of Nick's friends/band in Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, Laney from Saving June.

Honorable mentions: Iko from Cinder, Roar from Under the Never Sky (I WANT TO MARRY HIM), Kent from Before I Fall, all of Nick's friends/band in Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist, Laney from Saving June.
Who are your favourite supporting characters?
Leave me your link and I'll come check it out!

Follow Friday is hosted by Alison Can Read and Parajunkee's View, meant to spotlight two blogs and allows bloggers to link up and meet other fabulous bookish friends and share the Following love!
This week's spotlight blogs are: Books Galore & The Fake Steph Dot Com (who I adore and has a FAB new layout!)
And the question of the week is:
This Sunday is Mother's Day in the US. In celebration, what are some of your favourite books with strong mother/child relationships?
This was a tough question! I realized that most of the books I read don't focus on a parent's relationship with their child; or that a lot of it is a negative relationship (thus spurring on the plot) - which kind of sucks, because my mother is my best friend. That all said! Clary and her mother in The Mortal Instruments is definitely one that shows strength and understanding - they're wonderful together, separately and always doing what's best for the other. I also liked Hazel and her mother (and dad, actually) from The Fault In Our Stars - it was tenuous at times, but the support and love is there.
I want to mention If I Stay by Gayle Forman; not just the mother/child, but Mia's entire relationship with her family. Though presented in an unconventional way, learning about the family dynamic just makes you fall in love with them all.

Oddly, the first thing that came to mind for this as well was Duncan and his mother from Welcome Caller This Is Chloe - which, if you haven't read the book, (**WARNING SPOILERS**) is actually a bad relationship because she's a meth addict who frequently leaves her son to fend for himself. I KNOW, weird to think of for this question, right? It's actually because I loved how they both still TRIED to maintain and rebuild their relationship. How much Duncan did for his mother, how she still obviously loved him and wanted to get better for him...it's broken, but being fixed, and I love it.
I want to mention If I Stay by Gayle Forman; not just the mother/child, but Mia's entire relationship with her family. Though presented in an unconventional way, learning about the family dynamic just makes you fall in love with them all.

Oddly, the first thing that came to mind for this as well was Duncan and his mother from Welcome Caller This Is Chloe - which, if you haven't read the book, (**WARNING SPOILERS**) is actually a bad relationship because she's a meth addict who frequently leaves her son to fend for himself. I KNOW, weird to think of for this question, right? It's actually because I loved how they both still TRIED to maintain and rebuild their relationship. How much Duncan did for his mother, how she still obviously loved him and wanted to get better for him...it's broken, but being fixed, and I love it.
What books have your favourite mother/child relationship?
Leave me your link and I'll hop by!
And of course I'd love to return a follow if you are kind enough to follow me :)
Out of all those titles, I've only read the TMI, and I agree with you :)
ReplyDeleteMy Follow Friday
Haha, I agree with you on wanting a Simon in my life. Isn't he just what all girls look for as a BBF without him being gay (no offense against gays, I like them!)?
ReplyDeleteMy Finished Friday + TGIF post this week
I have heard so many good things about The Fault in our Stars, I am going to have to read it soon!
ReplyDeleteThe Mortal Instruments cast made my list too!
ReplyDeleteI'd have to say my favorite supporting characters are the Nac Mac Feegles from the Tiffany Aching books. Though I also read the Kat, Incorrigible books recently, and I'm completely in love with all of her siblings. They fight but they still love each other - it's very realistic.
ReplyDeleteSimon for sure - and I love how he was given a bigger and bigger role as the series went on too. As for mom/ daughter relationships - they are so complex sometimes, like in the Vampire Academy series.
ReplyDeleteI love Isaac too <3 I was pretty much a blubbering baby through the last 25% of that book but I am pretty sure I cried even harder during his Eulogy. He was just so great!
ReplyDeleteI agree! IF I Stay's Family relationship was beautiful!
ReplyDeleteHappy Friday :)
Old email follower (amugglesmagicalbookblog at yahoo)
The Muggle
Nominate Your Book Boyfriend
Thanks for the shout out. It totally made me smile! I'm pretty sure I need to read Under the Never Sky just for Roar now... :) And I looove Isaac and Simon. Love those books.
ReplyDeleteAnd it's great that your mother is your best friend! Clary and her mom were complicated and real, I loved that relationship, and Hazel... sigh. Everything about that book is amazing. I totally read the spoilers, because I didn't think I was going to read Welcome, Caller, This Is Chloe, but broken people trying to fix their brokenness is kind of my weakness and now I want to read it!
Ohh I loved Isaac too! I feel like all the characters in that book were made of awesome and they all made me happy and sad. I adore John Green.
ReplyDeleteI was thisclose to using Clary and her mom as an example for FF, lol! But since I have a love/hate relationship with Jocelyn, I left her out ;-)
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by our blog! Old follower. Happy Friday!
LOVE YOUR CHOICES!! I'm waiting If I stay in my mailbox this week!
ReplyDeleteHappy weeekend!
Following ^^
my tGiF
Valery • The Book Of Owl’s
Simon! great choice and *claps* for Iko. I loved her, she was my favorite character in Cinder.
ReplyDeleteMy BBH/TGIF
Thanks for becoming a follower of my blog! I'm now following you back via GFC and wish you a Happy Reading Weekend.
ReplyDeleteThe Scarf Princess
I'm hoping to start The Fault in Our Stars today. I loved Kent from Before I Fall and Roar from Under the Never Sky. All excellent choices! If I stay is also in my TBR pile but I have no plan to read it right now. So many books so little time!
ReplyDeleteOld follower... but I know you knew that too :)
Great answers! I love Hazel's mother from TFIOS and Iko from Cinder!
ReplyDeletehaven't read these but I really want to read "If I Stay"
ReplyDeletenew follower :)
Yay! So glad to see someone else that loves Simon! He's awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for hopping by for FF!